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Anima Online Technical Assistance Mission - AWEX-CEPEX - Diagnosis and Strategic Repositioning

Anima Online Technical Assistance Mission - AWEX-CEPEX - Diagnosis and Strategic Repositioning


In the framework of EBSOMED and following an initial mission meeting in June 2019, ANIMA Investment Network's affiliate AWEX  is setting up with CEPEX, the second phase of the Technical Assistance Mission "Diagnosis and Strategic Repositioning" to be carried out between October 2020 and January 2021.

The objectives of this expertise mission is:

  1. To carry out an inventory of CEPEX's operational practices in order to achieve the objectives of the roadmap for its restructuring
  2. Draw up a CEPEX diagnostic report and recommendations in the targeted fields of analysis
  3. Restitute the diagnosis to the CEPEX managers and accompany them:
    • in the choice of operational approaches to carry out the implementation of the restructuring roadmap (capacity building, information system, partnership with the ecosystem)
    • in the identification of best practices for the management of the various transformation projects
  4. Elaborate the future actions of the AWEX-CEPEX partnership in the framework of the various cooperation projects, including EBSOMED

The expected results are as follows:

  • A better understanding of the approach to structural change on the part of the executives involved in this mission
  • The executives involved will adapt and optimise their working methods in the conduct of the various action plans
  • In the light of what will emerge from this mission, the opening up of new areas of cooperation (this cooperation in the long term could serve as an example)
  • A survey will be elaborated by CEPEX among the executives involved in this mission to see if this mission has really contributed to the improvement of their knowledge to carry out the activities that will be entrusted to it for the execution of the CEPEX transformation roadmap