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ANIMA Workshop on EU Support to Project Development "Cooperate, raise funds and transform a territorial challenge into a project idea"

ANIMA Workshop on EU Support to Project Development "Cooperate, raise funds and transform a territorial challenge into a project idea"


In the framework of the EBSOMED project, ANIMA Investment Network organized a ANIMA Workshop on EU Support to Project Development under the theme "Cooperating, Raising Funds and Turning a Territorial Challenge into a Project Idea" from 25 to 27 March 2019 in Nador, Morocco.

The objective of this workshop was to learn how to design and implement an international cooperation project, and to formulate it so it responds to territorial challenges. The other purpose of the event was to know the main characteristics of international funding.

Several topics were addressed during this workshop such as: how to identify, collect and analyse data from cooperation projects and how to adopt a strategy and develop an action plan. In addition to the academic and theoretical part, the experts and facilitators of the workshop set up several case studies and group work sessions.

About 15 executives in charge of designing and implementing international cooperation actions within economic development organisations from seven Mediterranean beneficiary countries, participated in this event with the aim of improving their skills and equipping themselves with the necessary tools to build services and partnership projects between different BSOs.