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First workshop between EBSOMED and ITC teams

First workshop between EBSOMED and ITC teams


On 5 November 2019 and as part of the development of the Business Country Desk (BCD), a delegation from the EBSOMED project went to Geneva on the premises of the International Trade Centre (ITC ), where it met with representatives of the Division of Market Development for a preliminary meeting aimed at setting up the cooperation and synergy axes between the two respective platforms (BCD - Euromed Trade Helpdesk).

The Euromed Trade Help Desk is an online portal providing exporters with free information on potential markets, such as tariffs and product requirements. It helps, among other things, companies save the costs of collecting information.

The BCD is a new online information service platform, designed to support synergies, create B2B meetings and promote trade and investment mainly in 10 Southern Mediterranean countries, as well as to initiate and develop North-South or South-South commercial partnerships between the Mediterranean economic operators through the Regional Markets.