EBSOMED is a 4-year project, co-financed by the European Union and coordinated by BUSINESSMED as part of a consortium of six partners. More than thirty organisations from 26 countries are also affiliated to the project....

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- (-) Remove <em>Target</em> :<span class="active-item"> Research Centers </span> filter Target : Research Centers
- (-) Remove <em>Instrument</em> :<span class="active-item"> Exchange Programmes for BSOs' Executives </span> filter Instrument : Exchange Programmes for BSOs' Executives
- (-) Remove <em>Instrument</em> :<span class="active-item"> Regional Campaigns for the Promotion of EBSOMED Project </span> filter Instrument : Regional Campaigns for the Promotion of EBSOMED Project
As part of the EBSOMED project, a regional media campaign will be held on 15 February 2023 in Cairo, Egypt.
The aim of the campaign is to raise...
Cairo, Egypt
MED Promotion
As part of the EBSOMED project, a regional media campaign will be held on 15 September 2022 in Sliema, Malta.
The aim of the campaign is to raise...
Sliema, Malta
MED Promotion
In the framework of the EBSOMED Project, a first exchange visit is organized, from 22 to 25 February 2020, between the Centre of Arab Women for...
Cairo & Sharem El Cheikh, Egypt
BSO Capacity Building
In the framework of EBSOMED, ANIMA Investment Network's affiliate INSME is setting up a Technical Assistance Mission / BSO Manager Exchange "...
Rome, Italy
MED Cooperation
As part of the EBSOMED project, the second regional media campaign will be held on June 18, 2019 in Tunis, Tunisia.
The aim of the campaign is to...
Tunis, Tunisia
MED Promotion
A promotional campaign on the EBSOMED project will be held in the City of Culture in Tunis from 16th to 17th November 2018, on the side-lines of the...
Tunis, Tunisia
MED Promotion
In the framework of EBSOMED Project, the first media regional campaign will take place on the occasion of its official launch on June 28th, 2018 in...
Tunis, Tunisia
MED Promotion