EBSOMED is a 4-year project, co-financed by the European Union and coordinated by BUSINESSMED as part of a consortium of six partners. More than thirty organisations from 26 countries are also affiliated to the project....
Actions & Instruments
EBSOMED will articulate four major action lines which serve its specific objectives:
BSOs' Management Academies: Regional executive training programs for BSO Managers
Support to Project Development
Labelling Southern BSOs' Services
Exchange Programmes for BSOs' executives
Technical Assistance Missions
Employers' Thematic Committees (Vocational Training; Women and Youth Empowerment; Education and R&D)

The Business Country Desks Platform (BCD) will play the role of catalyst for a better development of partnerships and North-South as well as South-South exchanges
Joint activities involving banking and non-banking donors to support the International Cooperation and their sustainability strategies
Business Matchmaking Fora (Intra-Mediterranean High Level Panels on key sectors, value chains and cross-cutting challenges, B2B (Business to Business) dan C2C (Customer To Customer) Regional Meetings)
Intra-Mediterranean Cross-sectorial Strategies and Action Plans

- EU Med Roadshows focused on Northern and Central Europe
- EU Med Roadshows in the Southern Mediterranean Countries with a focus on Access to Finance and Women Entrepreneurship
- Regional Campaigns for the Promotion of EBSOMED Project