EBSOMED is a 4-year project, co-financed by the European Union and coordinated by BUSINESSMED as part of a consortium of six partners. More than thirty organisations from 26 countries are also affiliated to the project....

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye, TOBB, aims, parallel to the developments elsewhere in the world and in its capacity of the highest level representative of the Turkish private sector, at ensuring unity and solidarity between chambers and commodity exchanges, enhancing development of the professions in conformance with general interest, facilitating professional work of members, promoting honesty and confidence in the relations of members with one another and with the general public, and preserving professional discipline and ethics.
Dumlupınar Bulvarı No:252 (Eskiþehir Yolu 9.Km) 06530 / Ankara / Türkiye
+90(312) 218 20 00
+90(312) 219 40 90-93

The General Confederation of Italian Industry, Confindustria, is the main association representing manufacturing and service companies in Italy, with a voluntary membership of more than 150,000 companies of all sizes, employing a total of 5,438,513 people. The association's activities are aimed at guaranteeing the central importance of companies, the driver's of Italy's economic, social and civil development.
Confindustria - Viale dell'Astronomia, 30 - 00144 Rome, Italy
Promos Italia

The Italian Agency for Internationalisation, Promos Italia, is the structure of the Italian Chamber of Commerce which supports the process of internationalisation of Italian small and medium-sized companies and promotes the success of Made in Italy in the world.
Viale LC Farini, 14 - 48121, Ravenna, Italy
Barcelona Chamber of Commerce

The Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation is a government-owned enterprise founded in 1886, headquartered in Barcelona and is a representational institution that guarantees the promotion of economic and business activity and sustainable local development.
Its function is to defend general business interests and organise events that encourage business competitiveness.
Avinguda Diagonal, 452, 08006 Barcelona, Spain

The Chamber of Commerce Industry and Agriculture of Beirut and Mount Lebanon, CCIA-BML, is a non-profit private organization working for the public benefit. Promoting the business interests of its member enterprises is one of the principal objectives of the Chamber. Today, CCIABML’s membership roster includes over 13,000 Lebanese businesses, situated in two main districts: the Beirut district and the Mount Lebanon district. Together, both districts enclose about 70 percent of businesses operating in Lebanon.
CCIA-BML Building, 1 justinien street, Sanayeh, POBox11 1801 Beirut, Lebanon

The Federation of Egyptian Industries, FEI, is one of the country’s largest employers’ associations, with 19 active industrial chambers as members, representing over 60,000 industrial enterprises out of which more than 90% belong to the private sector; accounting for more than 7 million workers and 18% of the national economy.
1195 Nile Corniche, Boulaq, Cairo Governorate, Egypt

The Malta Employers’ Association, MEA, is a multisectoral association dedicated to the promotion of healthy industrial relations by providing members with a range of advisory services enabling them to be better informed about their rights and obligations regarding their employees. It seeks to promote:
A unity of purpose among all employers in Malta in a modern pro-business climate Optimum relations between employers and their employees, as well as between individual employers
A good working relationship between government and employers.
35/1, South Street, Valletta VLT 1100, Malta

The Wallonia Export-Investment Agency (AWEX) is a Public Interest Organisation in Wallonia created in 1998. It is the complete partner for all Walloon companies wishing to develop overseas and constitutes a one-stop shop for all foreign companies interested in setting up in Wallonia or expanding their existing activities.
Place Sainctelette, 2 1080 Brussels, Belgium