EBSOMED is a 4-year project, co-financed by the European Union and coordinated by BUSINESSMED as part of a consortium of six partners. More than thirty organisations from 26 countries are also affiliated to the project....

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7 results
- (-) Remove <em>Instrument</em> :<span class="active-item"> Labelling Southern BSOs' Services </span> filter Instrument : Labelling Southern BSOs' Services
- (-) Remove <em>Instrument</em> :<span class="active-item"> Exchange Programmes for BSOs' Executives </span> filter Instrument : Exchange Programmes for BSOs' Executives
- (-) Remove <em>Instrument</em> :<span class="active-item"> Technical Assistance Missions </span> filter Instrument : Technical Assistance Missions
In the framework of the EBSOMED project, BUSINESSMED, in collaboration with MDF Training & Consultancy, is setting up the Technical...
BSO Capacity Building
Within the framework of the EBSOMED project, the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye, TOBB, in collaboration with BUSINESSMED,...
Istanbul, Turkey
BSO Capacity Building
In the framework of EBSOMED and following an initial mission meeting in June 2019, ANIMA Investment Network's affiliate AWEX is setting up with...
BSO Capacity Building
In the framework of EBSOMED, ANIMA Investment Network will implement an Online Workshop on Labelling Southern BSOs' Services "Coordinated strategies...
Online Meetings
BSO Capacity Building
In the framework of the EBSOMED Project, a first exchange visit is organized, from 22 to 25 February 2020, between the Centre of Arab Women for...
Cairo & Sharem El Cheikh, Egypt
BSO Capacity Building
In the framework of EBSOMED, ANIMA Investment Network's affiliate INSME is setting up a Technical Assistance Mission / BSO Manager Exchange "...
Rome, Italy
MED Cooperation
In the framework of EBSOMED, ANIMA Investment Network's affiliate AWEX is setting up a Technical Assistance Mission "Export Promotion &...
Brussels, Belgium
BSO Capacity Building