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ANIMA Online BSO Management Academy - Mobilizing expatriates and the diaspora in service of attractiveness and economic development

ANIMA Online BSO Management Academy - Mobilizing expatriates and the diaspora in service of attractiveness and economic development


In the framework of EBSOMED, ANIMA Investment Network will implement an Online BSO Management Academy under the theme «Mobilizing expatriates and the diaspora in service of attractiveness and economic development», on 19 January 2021.

The objectives are as follows:

  • To give keys and answers on a topic of interest
  • To show illustrations
  • To propose a discussion around the issue submitted by a network partner
  • To give perspectives and leads to go further

This webinar will give you the keys to set up a strategy for targeting and mobilising the diaspora for the visibility and the development of your territory.

Experts from local and national economic development and investment promotion agencies will share their experiences, the impact generated and give their advices on how to implement such strategies.

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Registration is available via this link.