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BUSINESSMED Workshop on Support to Project Development - New challenges for BSOs from the Euromed Cooperation

BUSINESSMED Workshop on Support to Project Development - New challenges for BSOs from the Euromed Cooperation


Within the framework of the EBSOMED project, BUSINESSMED, in collaboration with the Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations (CEEBA), OpenMed Association and the Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME), will organise the Workshop on Support to Project Development "New challenges for BSOs from the Euromed Cooperation", to be held in Cagliari, Sardinia (Italy), on 14-15 December 2022, with the main aim of capacity training for Business Support Organizations (BSO) executives and focus on capacity enhancing measures to access to finance (funding opportunities & EU project management, with a focus on the NEXT MED INTERREG programme - continuation of the ENI CBC MED programme).

The training wants to involve the participants in the elaboration of concrete proposals, working directly on the official forms and documents from donors. During the training activities the participants will develop project proposals focused on the specific objectives of the NEXT MED INTERREG programme.

The training is the final Workshop Capacity Building in project development and management, designed to improve the capacity of the EU and MED BSOs to develop international cooperation projects in the Mediterranean through better information on funding opportunities and capacity-building activities on project development tools and methodologies.

The course aims at improving exchanges of competences and relations between BSOs interested in co-operation programs and projects. The idea is to present and share the main skills and direct experiences related to Euro-Mediterranean projects (with a focus on the ENI CBC MED Programme 2014-2020) and start the design of new project proposals that can be submitted under the new NEXT MED Interreg programme 2021-2027, whose first call is expected in Spring 2023.

The main objectives of the training are:

  • improve competences and relations of BSO executives interested in Euro-Mediterranean cooperation
  • share the Euro-Mediterranean projects experiences among BSO executives and trainers
  • start the concrete design of proposals under the new Euro-Mediterranean funding instruments, in particular the Interreg NEXT MED Programme 2021-2027

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Registration is available via this link.