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Communication, Digitalisation & Aftercare Cycle “Business & Investor Services Digitalisation”

Communication, Digitalisation & Aftercare Cycle “Business & Investor Services Digitalisation”


In response to the COVID-19 crisis, ANIMA implemented, within the framework of the EBSOMED project, a cycle of webinars called “Communication, digitalisation & aftercare in time of crisis” and based on the sharing of experiences and good practices.

This cycle intended to be useful in understanding the economic impact of the COVID-19 health crisis, help develop responses to support businesses and learn to anticipate future Opportunities. The webinars were open to participants looking for inspiration and best practice from attractiveness and country marketing professionals or business support experts.

At the beginning of the crisis, the focus was on attractiveness and business support strategies in times of crisis; in order to provide concrete answers to the problems encountered in the urgent situation by the economic attractiveness actors.

The webinar “Business & Investor Services Digitalisation” took place on June 23, 2020 and aimed to give the keys to a successful digital migration and to propose a wide choice of digital tools to inform and attract investors, to set up promotional campaigns on social networks to support the economy and to organise virtual meetings.

Through their interventions, several experts from the region explained how the change of behaviours toward the digitalisation could not take place without involving the management and the different teams in the choice of tools. It was necessary to convince them of the benefits of migrating information management to digital, as well as the migration of face-to-face activities to digital.

The audience was collaborative, receptive, and quite representative of the different economic actors of the Euro-Mediterranean region. The webinars will therefore potentially inspire change within the organisations present and beyond thanks to their wide dissemination afterwards on the different social media pages of the EBSOMED project.