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EBSOMED Launches project third regional promotional Campaign with Focus on the Business Country Desk

EBSOMED Launches project third regional promotional Campaign with Focus on the Business Country Desk


Due to COVID crise, the EBSOMED secretariat decided to move the third regional promotional campaign from the third to the fourth year of activities in order to reach a wider audience and present more detailed results of the project.

Several months before the press conference, work began on the third campaign, which was built upon the network of journalists that had been established since the start of the project. From this network, 10 foreign journalists were chosen to attend the Med Business Days 2022 event held in Malta on September 14-15, 2022.

A pre-press conference meeting was held with journalists from each country, where they received press kits containing the project brochure, official press release in two languages, a thirty-page report on the third and fourth year's activities, and a presentation of the initial results. Digital copies of the press kit were also sent to journalists who were unable to attend.

At the press conference, a representative from the EBSOMED secretariat opened the event by discussing the challenges faced by countries in the MENA region, where the project has either launched or plans to launch activities. These countries include Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, and Tunisia. The speaker also emphasized the project's role in promoting regional economic integration and the dissemination and solidification of key business practices in the Southern Mediterranean.

The press conference was also an opportunity to showcase the progress made on the BCD (Business Country Desk) digital platform, which aims to provide companies with information on investment and foreign trade. The goal was to promote the platform through media coverage leading up to future local and regional presentations of the BCD. More than 30 publications, press reviews, video interviews, and feedback were gathered for the creation of a media coverage report.