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Second Technical Assistance Mission between CEPEX and AWEX

Second Technical Assistance Mission between CEPEX and AWEX


Within the framework of the EBSOMED project, the Walloon Export and Foreign Investment Agency (AWEX), a member of the ANIMA network, organized the second part of the “technical assistance mission” that started in 2019 to the Tunisian Export Promotion Center (CEPEX).

The first part of the mission was carried out in June 2019 with a visit by CEPEX managers to AWEX’s headquarters. The main purpose of the visit was to learn about AWEX’s experience in supporting exports and the internationalization of Walloon companies and to familiarize themselves with the support programs for start-ups and exporters.

Because of the sanitary conditions related to Covid-19 crisis, it was not possible to make the second part of the mission face to face in Tunisia, as initially planned, and the visit was replaced by six online brainstorming workshops which were organized from 28 October to 17 November with the participation of ten AWEX experts.

Those workshops made it possible to highlight the various points of difficulty, blockages and structural obstacles encountered by the CEPEX staff and experts could produce a report with recommendations and operational approaches and best practices aimed at better carrying out the activities that will be entrusted to CEPEX leaders on the road to transforming and repositioning the agency.