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BUSINESSMED Online BSO Management Academy on “Digitalisation of Services”

BUSINESSMED Online BSO Management Academy on “Digitalisation of Services”


In the framework of the EBSOMED project and BUSINESSMED’s strategy for business continuity of its members, a cycle of training webinars was organized, focusing mainly on how organizations can adapt their business models to take full advantage of the digital transformation.

The aim was to train participating organizations on how to develop an effective and reliable digital strategy and gain guidance on integrating digital throughout all the steps of the business chain.

The training cycle, designed with MDF experts and the International Training Center of the ILO, was spread over a two-month period that was followed by individual coaching sessions.

The first training took place from October 12 to 30, 2020 and focused on “Digitization of Training Services”. The training cycle organized by ITCILO through their online tool “eCampus” facilitated distance learning and supported the digital transformation process of organizations, mainly those related to training services.

Participants discussed and reflected on what the “new normal” is in terms of training services provision and delivery, which methods and tools BSOs can use for successful digital learning design, delivery and facilitation, and how to transform training modules into digital learning. Interesting exchanges also covered relevant practices or tools from other BSOs.

By the end of the training, participants were able to sketch their organisation baseline concerning quality design and delivery of training services and to identify gaps and mitigating measures for successful digitalization of training services with the ability to design a plan to digitalize a training product and expand their professional network.

Workshops for the second training were held on 9th, 10th, 16th, and 17th December 2020. The training comprised tailor-made online workshops and focused on developing digital roadmaps for BUSINESSMED members. The MDF Trainer started with the assessment phase to detect the specific needs of the organisations through a survey sent followed by an analysis of their inputs and discussion during a focus group in the short trainings. 

 The results of the surveys helped the expert to design and deliver a series of short trainings and coaching session with each participant and helped finalize each organisation digital roadmap.