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Communication, Digitalisation & Aftercare Cycle "E-procedures and Services for Investors and Enterprises"

Communication, Digitalisation & Aftercare Cycle "E-procedures and Services for Investors and Enterprises"


In response to the COVID-19 crisis, ANIMA implemented, within the framework of the EBSOMED project, a cycle of webinars called “Communication, digitalisation & aftercare in time of crisis” and based on the sharing of experiences and good practices.

This cycle intended to be useful in understanding the economic impact of the COVID-19 health crisis, help develop responses to support businesses and learn to anticipate future Opportunities. The webinars were open to participants looking for inspiration and best practice from attractiveness and country marketing professionals or business support experts.

The webinar “E-procedures and services for investors and enterprises” took place on December 8th, 2020 and focused on changing business access to online services, the IT security to be implemented through electronic identification and the benefits of setting up investor service centres to reduce bureaucracy and facilitate investment procedures. The participants through their interventions explained that it could be possible only by involving the public, private and academic sectors in the digitalisation process. The webinar featured testimonies from agencies that have developed digital services to make it easier for businesses to benefit from online public services.

The webinars aim to inspire change within the organisations present and beyond thanks to their wide dissemination afterwards on the different social media pages of the EBSOMED project.