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The de-carbonization of the Mediterranean region at the heart of the EBSOMED Sectoral Alliance Committee

The de-carbonization of the Mediterranean region at the heart of the EBSOMED Sectoral Alliance Committee


The EBSOMED Sector Alliance Committee (SAC), met on 17 November 2021, in an interactive webinar organized by ASCAME, in the framework of the EBSOMED project and in the margin of the 2021 edition of the Medaweek.

The renewable energy sector is recognised to have a highly scalable, especially in the Mediterranean region, because of the vast natural resources available and the easy logistics for exporting green energy to other countries. The green industry is needed for the transition to a sustainable economy, and it could generate many jobs and wealth. Yet, this topic is vital because of its importance in line with the green deal and other key efforts that the EU is doing to materialise such changes in the region and beyond.

During the EBSOMED Sector Alliance Committee, different renewable and green energy experts from different countries gave input on these topics with the goal of getting an overview of the state-of-the art of the sector in their different Mediterranean countries, highlighting existing challenges and opportunities and proposing ways to move forward in the sector.

Within the framework of these strategies, it is intended to capitalise on some previous strategic documents that include potential future initiatives and to highlight on present and future business opportunities between the North and South shores of the Mediterranean.

 All the discussions, ideas and recommendations will lead to the elaboration by ASCAME and its affiliates of a Sectorial Strategic Paper on “Green Economy and decarbonisation in the Mediterranean Region” that will pave the way for an effective green economy and decarbonisation plan for the region, actions that can push the economy towards a solid recovery and an increasingly eco-sustainable footprint.