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BUSINESSMED Employers Thematic Committee Meeting - Women and Youth Entrepreneurs

BUSINESSMED Employers Thematic Committee Meeting - Women and Youth Entrepreneurs


Within the framework of the EBSOMED project, BUSINESSMED is organising a meeting of its Employers' Thematic Committee "Women and Youth Entrepreneurs" on 10 March 2022 in Rome, Italy.

The creation of an Employer Committee on Women and Youth Entrepreneurs is in strategic continuity with the work and output of the first Thematic Committee on Women Empowerment and Gender Mainstreaming. The published industry outlook highlighted the current situation for Women within high level position within the private and public sector within the MENA region. The study showcased that despite current trends highlighting the importance for successful businesses to include women within their boards, the current representation for women remains still low.

BUSINESSMED activities in this field converges with already important activities from key players. The “MENA Women Business Club” joint initiative by the Union for Mediterranean and UNIDO is a step in this direction. The initiative promotes the creation of financing opportunities and establishment of women business networks.  Similarly, the European Union with its strategy on Gender Equality (2020-2025) also strives to establish a gender-equal Europe via the use of gender mainstreaming and target actions to reduce gender-based violence, closing gender gaps within labor market, and equal participation within the different economic sectors, etc. The efforts at EU level are also mirrored in EU’s programming activities for the southern neighborhood and Africa. As shown in its communication “Renewed Partnership for the Southern Neighborhood” where the establishment of Inclusive economies via the creation of prospects for young people and the increased economic empowerment of women are listed as key socio-economic reforms and investment initiatives.

The Thematic Committee on Women and Youth Entrepreneurs inscribes itself within these efforts at EuroMed level and aims to provide research and data on the entrepreneurial ecosystem to develop joint positions and recommendations among Mediterranean Employers Federations.