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Promoting Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation and SME Growth through Financial Instruments and Experiences Sharing Conference in Sardinia

Promoting Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation and SME Growth through Financial Instruments and Experiences Sharing Conference in Sardinia


The Conference "Sardinia, Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation Hub: Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation - Financial Instruments and Exchanges of Experiences" was held on December 16, 2022 in Cagliari, Italy as a part of the EBSOMED project. The event was organized by OpenMed, Camera di Commercio Cagliari-Oristano and ASCAME and aimed to bring together representatives of organizations from over 11 Mediterranean countries to share their knowledge and experiences related to managing Euro-Mediterranean projects and design new project proposals.

During the conference, where BUSINESSMED was invited, several business support instruments were presented with the objective of promoting the development of SMEs in the Euro-Mediterranean area. The Regional instruments   were presented by the   Managing Authority, while the Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo discussed the export services for Italian companies. The ENI CBC Med Programme presented the NEXT MED 2021 - 2027 program and the Business Country Desk (BCD) platform was presented by BUSINESSMED as an effective Mediterranean tool providing a single access point for companies, especially Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), interested in cross-border cooperation with Mediterranean countries. It also offers information and support services related to the development and implementation of cross-border cooperation projects in the fields of energy, environment, research and innovation, and transport.

The conference was a unique opportunity for participants to learn about the latest financial instruments and programs available to support the growth of SMEs in the Euro-Mediterranean area. It also provided a platform for attendees to exchange ideas and experiences and collaborate on new project proposals.