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The Mediterranean at the Forefront of Global Logistics and Transport: Insights from the EBSOMED Matchmaking Forum 2022

The Mediterranean at the Forefront of Global Logistics and Transport: Insights from the EBSOMED Matchmaking Forum 2022


The EBSOMED project and the International Logistics Forum (SIL) aimed to bring together leaders and experts in the transport and logistics sector through the Business Matchmaking Forum "Logistics and Transport: More Critical than Ever". The event was held in Barcelona, Spain, from May 31st to June 2nd, 2022 and was attended by affiliates of ASCAME and partner of the EBSOMED project.

The focus of the event was to improve the abilities of Mediterranean Business Support Organizations (BSOs) in serving the interests and needs of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). To achieve this goal, the Matching Forum consisted of peer-to-peer training sessions that provided insights into the role of the Mediterranean region on the global transport and logistics scene. The sessions covered a range of topics, including the transformation of the Mediterranean transport and logistics value chain, logistics in the sharing economy, the future of Mediterranean ports, Africa's integration into logistics and transport, the re-emergence of Special Economic Zones, and more.

The first day of the event was dedicated to strengthening the understanding of BSOs about the current challenges and opportunities in the transport and logistics sector in the Mediterranean region. The day was marked by the Africa Logistics Meeting and the Mediterranean & Africa SEZs Summit, followed by b2b sessions that allowed leading operators in the logistics and transport sector to network and establish partnerships.

The event concluded with a visit to the   Zona Franca de Barcelona, D-Factory, and 3D Incubator, which are centres of innovation and creation in the field of digitalization. This visit provided participants with a unique opportunity to see how technology is driving the future of logistics and transport. The EBSOMED event provided a platform for industry leaders and experts to share their experiences, knowledge, and insights, and helped to enhance the capabilities of Business Support Organizations and SMEs in the Mediterranean region.