EBSOMED is a 4-year project, co-financed by the European Union and coordinated by BUSINESSMED as part of a consortium of six partners. More than thirty organisations from 26 countries are also affiliated to the project....

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- (-) Remove <em>Instrument</em> :<span class="active-item"> Cross-Sectorial Strategies </span> filter Instrument : Cross-Sectorial Strategies
- (-) Remove <em>Instrument</em> :<span class="active-item"> Exchange Programmes for BSOs' Executives </span> filter Instrument : Exchange Programmes for BSOs' Executives
- (-) Remove <em>Target</em> :<span class="active-item"> Investors (public or private) </span> filter Target : Investors (public or private)
As part of the EBSOMED project, ASCAME and its affiliates will produce a Sectorial Strategic Paper on Green Economy in the Mediterranean Region, this...
MED Cooperation
As part of the EBSOMED project, ASCAME and its affiliates will produce a strategic paper on Sustainable Tourism Strategy in the post COVID-19 context...
MED Cooperation
In the framework of the EBSOMED Project, a first exchange visit is organized, from 22 to 25 February 2020, between the Centre of Arab Women for...
Cairo & Sharem El Cheikh, Egypt
BSO Capacity Building
In the framework of EBSOMED, ANIMA Investment Network's affiliate INSME is setting up a Technical Assistance Mission / BSO Manager Exchange "...
Rome, Italy
MED Cooperation
As part of the EBSOMED project, ASCAME and its affiliates will produce a strategic paper on Transport & Logistics in the Mediterranean region...
Barcelona, Spain
MED Cooperation