EBSOMED is a 4-year project, co-financed by the European Union and coordinated by BUSINESSMED as part of a consortium of six partners. More than thirty organisations from 26 countries are also affiliated to the project....

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- (-) Remove <em>Instruments</em> :<span class="active-item"> Regional Campaigns for the Promotion of EBSOMED Project </span> filter Instruments : Regional Campaigns for the Promotion of EBSOMED Project
- (-) Remove <em>Target</em> :<span class="active-item"> Companies, SMEs, Startup </span> filter Target : Companies, SMEs, Startup
- (-) Remove <em>Target</em> :<span class="active-item"> Diaspora </span> filter Target : Diaspora
Cairo, Egypt
EBSOMED Launches project third regional promotional Campaign with Focus on the Business Country Desk
Sliema, Malta
Tunis, Tunisia
Tunis, Tunisia